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Итоговая контрольная работа за 3 четверть для 8 класса
[ Скачать с сервера (16.1 Kb) ] 17.10.2013, 17:38

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку

III четверть


1.     Put "some”, "any” or "no”.

1.                      He does his homework without … difficulty.

2.                       This yeas all the apples are red, we are going out this morning to pick …

3.                      I’d like … water, please.

4.                      There weren’t … tomatoes left.

5.                      I won’t go with you. I have … free time.

6.                      There aren’t … students at the moment.

7.                      Sorry, I have … matches.

8.                     Do you have … money?

9.                      The box was empty. There was apples in it.

10.                  Pour me … milk, please.


2.     Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct forms.

1.     Suddenly everybody stopped … . There was silence. (to talk)

2.     I'll do the shopping when I've finished … the flat. (to clean)

3.     We can't afford … a long holiday. (to take)

4.     Paula has given up … . (to smoke)

5.     I don't fancy …  out this evening. (to go)

6.     I forgot … the window. (to close)


3.     Rewrite  the sentences in Reported Speech.

1.     "Last year we spent in the Crimea". (They said)

2.     "They moved to a new flat yesterday". (They said)

3.     "I don't remember what she said". (He said)

4.     My friend said: "Have you already chosen a book to read?"

5.     They asked us: "Are you tired?"

6.     We asked: "Will you come to see us on Friday?"

7.     Do you often play basketball? (She asked me...).

8.     Why doesn't she come early? (He wanted to know...).

9.     When will the next train leave? (We asked...).

10.  Why did not he come to the yacht-club? (He didn't tell us...)


4.     What kinds of book would you like to read?  Why?

I would like to read … because they are … .


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